As a result of our efforts, Deendayal Research Institute was
given the responsibility of implementing the scheme in these
19 villages.
Under the able guidance of scientists from the Krishi Vigyan
Kendra’s, villagers started constructing check dams
in their region to stop the flowing rain water. Men, women
and children, wholeheartedly participated in this program.
As they were to be emancipated from the scarcity of drinking
water, these villagers completed the construction work prior
to the rainy season. No cement or steel was required. Only
locally available stones and mud was used for the construction
of these dams. Initially, the 'leaders' in the region said
that such dams would not even last through the first rains.
But they did. Water remained stored in the pools created by
these check dams. The same water then recharged the ground
water. Now there is 10-15 ft. of water in the local wells
even in the months of May and June. These wells earlier used
to go dry. As a result of these massive efforts, more than
12,000 hectares of agricultural land is now being irrigated.
The level of confidence of the local farmers has increased
tremendously. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research
is encouraging scientists from its other centers to visit
and study this experiment.