Education has been a key factor to make
an individual conscious of his role in society. Hence
it is essential to provide equal opportunities of education
to all children without any discrimination. Integrity,
unity, progress, and prosperity of any nation depends
on this very factor. The present day education system
suffers from many drawbacks. There is a flood of more
and more expensive public schools with their ravaging
waves sweeping even the small town of country. The children
of poor families cannot even think of securing admission
to these schools because of their high fees. These expensive
schools are sowing seeds of social discontentment and
creating wider and wider gulf in society right from childhood
stage. 54 years after independence, we are still in precarious
educational atmosphere. A new generation has grown into
self-centered individuals. They don't feel as part of
our society or our country. In this situation, who will
build the future of our country? |