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Message From Nanji Deshmukh
Social Conscience
Education & Social Conscience

Our established educational systems have become career factories. This has led to a generation of self-centered and consumer oriented people. The only motive of every person has become to earn the maximum amount of money. If the expected dowry is not received, then newly married girls are put through such great atrocities, that they commit suicide. Most of the people who provoke the girls to commit suicide are educated. Why is our existing educational system making us inhuman? Sarve Bharantu Sukhinah... 'Where let all live happily ...' is a popular slogan in our country. So how, on our holy land, are our youth becoming so inhuman? Is it due to the educational system? Nobody seems bothered about this issue.  The  Britishers  turned   our   teachers,   who

were our Gurujan into salary earners. Their need was to have obedient employees rather than nation building teachers. Since independence, there has been no effort to make our teachers responsibility for teaching their students nation building ideas. Deendayal Research Institute, instead of entering into undue controversies, has decided to develop an essential educational system. The human body is an integrated form of body, mind, intellect and soul. Pandit Deendayalji highlighted this fact. But nobody bothered to try and understand or work with these elements. The basic elements of the body and soul work in opposing directions. The body has a tendency to indulge in pleasures. It provokes us into accumulating possessions beyond our capacity to consume them. It hardly thinks about the sorrow or happiness of other human beings.

But the tendency of the soul is totally different. It gets hurt with the sorrow of others. It always tries to comfort others. It inspires human being to help others, rather than accumulate material goods. It develops compassion in human beings. To achieve a perfect balance between these two totally opposing tendencies, education is essential. This should be the goal of education but this basic motive has been lost. The personality development of children begins at an early age in our homes.

This is the preliminary process of education. But during this period, the proper educational direction is lost. After this, the child enters a school. In the existing education systems, various subjects are taught that only help in acquiring degrees. The humanitarian development of the students is overlooked in the school. Even the teaching staffs in the schools do not appear to be aware of the goal of education. Objectively speaking, unless a complimentary atmosphere is created in schools, families and society, a new generation of children cannot be developed in a 'discrimination free' social atmosphere. Only when this happens, will these children be able to identify with the sorrow and happiness of the people. But due to the lack of this atmosphere today, these children feel isolated in society.

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