- To implement and maintain Quality Management System in the organization.
- To continuously improve the processes of all the projects and QMS, and to implement systems to monitor the effectiveness of all the processes.
- To automate MIS and SIS so that management can get immediate information regards the status of the villages at any point of time.
- To develop a data warehousing and data mining system to manage the huge data of 500 villages.
- To set up "IT enabled" knowledge management system/Village Knowledge centre.
- To capture the intellectual properties of DRI generated by Hon. Nanaji, social scientists, agriculture scientists etc. and make it available at a touch of a button for transfer for the benefit of mankind for many more years to come.
- To develop a visible, transparent, self-explanatory system of achievement for all the projects of DRI.
- To develop 'Sustainable Village Development' training modules for other voluntary organizations, business houses, government and developing & underdeveloped countries.
- To provide IT support for all DRI Projects.
- To hold data related to all DRI Projects.
ISO Recertification audit by DNV. expert
Contact Us:
Project head
Resource Centre (Arogyadham Campus)
Deendayal Research Institute, Chitrakoot (M.P.) 485331
Ph.: 07670-265623, 265346 Fax : 07670-265477
E-mail : info@chitrakoot.org